A configuration record needs to be created for every auto number that is needed.
Browse to Settings >> Zap Apps >> Zap AN Configuration and click “New”

Explanation of the fields:

Section: General
Here select the entity and field on which Auto-Number needs to be set.

Target Entity: Select the entity on which Auto-Number needs to be configured.
Target Attribute: Select the field on which Auto-Number needs to be configured. Please note that auto-number cannot be set on fields which are the primary key of an entity. For example case number in case entity.
Placeholder: Default value of placeholder field is “{}”.
Zap AutoNumber can also generate auto-numbering for existing records.
The value in placeholder field needs to match the value in field (on which autonumbering has been set).
Let’s consider scenario for generating auto number for “Account Number” field of existing account records.
Assuming that the placeholder value is “{}”
Here auto number would be generated, if the value in “Account Number” field is updated to “{}”.

Section: String Definition
AutoNumber is a combination of PREFIX + SEQUENCE + SUFFIX
Prefix and Suffix : Here you can have static text as well as string tokens (for random string, date-time etc)
Sequence Start: This is the counter and is incremented by 1 on every auto number generation
Sequence Length: The Sequence can be left padded with “0” based on sequence length
Ignore Sequence from definition: AutoNumber is combination of Prefix +Sequence + Suffix. If this field is checked then the generated auto number will not have sequence.

String tokens for generating random characters and date-time:

  1. Random String: A random string consists of alphanumeric characters.
    Example: {RANDSTRING:5}
    Output: AB67S
  2. Random Number:
    Example: {RANDNUMBER:5}
    Output: 12673
  3. Random Alphabets:
    Example: {RANDALPHABET:5}
    Output: GHPWQ
  4. Date-Time:
    Example: {DATETIMEUTC:yyMM}
    Output: 1805