Release Notes

Zap Helpdesk – Email to Case To request trial, please follow the below steps: Step 1: Request solution file: Email to request solution file.Please mention:– Company Name:– Contact Phone:– Need Demo: Yes / No– Requirements in brief:You can expect a response within 1-business day. Please use only official email address for communication. Step 2: […]

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High Level Steps

Step 1: Go through the sample email-to-case process as explained in blog: How to design a support process (email based) when using Dynamics 365 for Customer Service? Step 2: Set up Mailbox (can be shared mailbox too) e.g. Step 3: Set up the Queue (e.g. Zap Support Queue having incoming email address as “”. […]

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Getting Started – Setting up the Support Queue (with a mailbox)

This is a pre-requisite step for configuring Zap Helpdesk! Create a Public Queue (e.g. Zap Support) in Dynamics 365 which will receive the emails from a mailbox address (e.g. We will be setting up the mailbox of this support queue as a shared mailbox (in Microsoft Office 365) (you can also use an actual […]

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Getting Started – Security Roles

The below security roles are available: Zap HD Admin: This security role is needed for configuring Email-to-Case. Please note that either “System Administrator” or “Zap HD Admin” security role is needed for configuring Email-to-Case. Zap HD User: This security role is needed for using Quick Email Reply section (on Case form). This role will allow […]

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“Quick Email Reply” feature explanation

How “Quick Email reply” feature boosts support agent productivity: Refer blog: Can you send email reply to Customer from case form in less than 5 clicks? Using “Quick Email Reply” section in Case Form: Refer blog: How to design a support process (email based) when using Dynamics 365 for Customer Service? (points 6,7,8,9) Using Canned Responses for quicker […]

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Creating / Modifying Canned Responses

Pre-requisite Step: To create / modify canned responses, user needs to be given security role: Zap HD User. Creating / Modifying Canned Responses: To create / modify canned responses: Browse to Settings >> Zap Apps >> Canned Responses To create / modify canned response – categories: Browse to Settings >> Zap Apps > Categories – […]

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