Setting up “Charge Types” and “Charge Rates”

“Charge Types” is master data. To create “Charge Rates”, you will first need to create “Charge Types”. Please note that in present release only “Charge Type” is relevant. When we release labor calculation functionality in future…only then “Charge Rates” will be used. Below are few examples of “Charge Types”: Charge Types: Onsite Support Remote Support […]

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Billing for Labor (Time Entry Billability)

Lets first understand billing process at high level: (how we convert time to money) Step 1: Creating Time-Entries: Users (support agents) track labor as time-entries against Case. The selected “Charge Type” helps in calculation of extended price. (In future the time-entries could also be linked to a Contract – which would provide you with multiple […]

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How to Approve / Reject Time-Entries

Points to Note: Case and Contract have multiple Roll-up fields which provides the totals of all time-entries. These roll-up fields only consider time-entries which have status as “Approved”. Users with roles: “Zap PSA Admin” or “Zap PSA Manager” can bulk approve / reject time-entries! Below are the different areas from where the time-entries can be […]

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