Release Notes

Zap Email Reader To request trial, please follow the below steps: Step 1: Request solution file: Email to request solution file. Please mention: – Company Name: – Contact Phone: – Need Demo: Yes / No – Requirements in brief: You can expect a response within 1-business day. Please use only official email address for […]

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Navigating the App (Sitemap)

Open App: Zap Email Reader from apps section as shown in screenshot below: In case you are not able to locate the configuration entities in sitemap, then try using “Advanced Find” to directly navigate to entity. Below are list of entities that you need to pay attention to: Zap ER Configure DataSource Zap ER General […]

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Getting Started – Security Roles

The below secuity roles are available: Zap ER Admin: This is needed for configuring Email Reader Data Source. Zap ER User: This is needed to be given to all users who need “Email Reading” functionality.

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How to embed “Email Reader” Web Resource in Form (Related Section)

“Email Reader” Web Resource can be embedded in Form: Inline OR Form: Related Section. To add “Email Reader” Web Resource in Form Inline, refer KB article: Link For adding “Email Reader” Web Resource in Form –  Related Section, follow below instructions: Lets consider an example of adding “Email Reader” Web Resource to Related section of […]

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