Zap Copy Record

Last Reviewed: Dec 2023

To request trial, please follow the below steps:

Step 1: Request solution file: Email to request solution file.
Please mention:
– Company Name:
– Contact Phone:
– Need Demo: Yes / No
– Requirements in brief:
You can expect a response within 1-business day. Please use only official email address for communication.

Step 2: Import the solution file.

Step 3: Activation of 15-day trial:
Browse to Settings >> Zap Apps and open Zap License. Register the profile online, to start 15-day trial. (Refer Licensing KB articles for more info)

Feel free to email if you have any questions.

Some areas of user-guide are password protected. Email from your official email address to request password.

Solution Version: [Latest]
Works with: PowerApps, Dynamics 365  v9
Dynamics 365 Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: To be released on Dec 04, 2023
Updates: Enhancement to CLONING of Field Service – Work Orders (link)

Solution Version:
Works with: PowerApps, Dynamics 365  v9
Dynamics 365 Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: Nov 18, 2023
Updates: New functionality: Recurring Copy – Ability to clone/copy/duplicate record automatically based on the scheduled recurrence pattern. Example: We offer annual subscriptions for our apps. During the end of annual term (possibly 30 days before expiry), we would like to have the opportunities be created automatically… so that our sales team see’s those in their list and can follow-up immediately!
Similarly, companies offering support may have some repeating cases / tasks they needs to done… for example server maintenance, updates etc. Wouldn’t it be great to have a Case created automatically (every 45 days) for the customer to perform server maintenance? This way the Support team is reminded to do this task + the time can be tracked against the case.

Solution Version:
Works with: PowerApps, Dynamics 365  v9
Dynamics 365 Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: Aug 02, 2023
Updates: Ability to clone even child connections. For example, copying the stakeholders when opportunity is copied.

Solution Version:
Works with: PowerApps, Dynamics 365  v9
Dynamics 365 Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: Jul 02, 2023
Updates: New functionality: Ability to copy from one entity to another. Example: Converting Contact in to a Lead in 1-Click (for details, refer blog link)

Solution Version:
Works with: PowerApps, Dynamics 365  v9
Dynamics 365 Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: Feb 02, 2022
Bug Fix: When copying a record…sometimes an error used to come with message “The entity name doesn’t exist”…(however in background the record was still copied successfully). This issue has now been fixed.

Solution Version:
Works with: PowerApps, Dynamics 365  v9
Dynamics 365 Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: July 01, 2020
Updates: Works with PowerApps too!

Solution Version: (built for 2016 / Dynamics 365 v8) 
Dynamics Supported Versions: This version supports CRM 2016 as well as Dynamics 365 (However Unified Interface Forms are not supported). Works for Dynamics 365 Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: Nov 01, 2019

Miscellaneous points:

  1. “Copy” button will show-up in entity form/grid, only when security role “Zap_CR_User” has been provided to the user (by default the button shows up for users with System Administrator role).
  2. Another point to note is that a configuration record (Zap_CR_Configuration) needs to be created for the entity in which the button needs to be shown. Zap_CR_Configuration records for common entities gets created automatically when you register the trial license. You can also create these records manually or click “Install Sample Data” button (in ribbon of Zap_CR_Configuration grid).