A Contract is the heart of this PSA system. So whether you want to calculate the extended price of time-entry or manage your support billing then a valid contract record needs to be created for your Customer.

A Contract record stores details about:

  • Contract Type
  • Billing Methods
  • Contract Rate
  • Staff and their hourly rates
  • Contract Start & End Dates
  • Billing Contacts etc

You can create multiple contracts for a Customer.

Please note that we plan to release a full Contract Management Module by Jun 23. In present version, contracts are needed to be created only for calculating the extended price for time-entry records.

Please ignore section: “Contract Periods & Allowances” as well as tabs: “Contract Periods” & “Task Templates”. These would be operational once the full Contract Management module has been released.

Managing Contract lifecycle using Status:

Below are the different Contract statuses:

Draft: When a new contract is created it is in draft status.

Active: To activate a draft contract, click button “Activate Contract”.  Deactivating a contract will change the status back to “draft” status. Only “Active” contracts can be selected in Case.
Once the contract has been activated the first time… certain fields get locked and only a few fields can be edited. These locked fields cannot be edited even when the contract has been de-activated. Refer section “Editing a contract” for more details.

: You can manually change the contract status to “Cancelled”. Once cancelled, it cannot be selected within a Case.

: PSA solution flows will automatically change the contract status to expired based on the “End Date” selected in the contract. Once cancelled, it cannot be selected across a Case. //this feature will be available when full Contracts Management module is released.

Creating New Contract:

Refer KB article

Editing a Contract:  

Once a contract has been activated there are certain fields that get locked for editing. These fields cannot be edited even when the contract has been de-activated (status = draft).
Below are the fields that get locked:
Customer, Contract Type, Start Date, Currency, Billing Method