Creating New Contract: Below are the four different approaches that could be used to create new Contract:
1. New Contract – Blank Contract: Browse to Contracts (Zap PSA Contracts) and click “New”
2. New Contract – From Template: Browse to Contracts (Zap PSA Contracts) and click “New  + From Template”. This could be useful for creating contracts in BULK.
3. New Contract from “Zap PSA Contracts” Sub-grid in Account form: This is similar to approach 1.
4. New Contract from within Case Form: This is similar to approach 1.

Approach 1: Creating New Contract by clicking New button

Open Contracts from sitemap and click button “New”

Explanation of Form Fields:
Tab: General
Name: Auto-Generated (can be over-written too)
Auto-Generate Name:
If this checkbox is checked then the name will be auto-generated (Format: Customer – Contract Type)
Customer: Select Customer (Account/Contact)
Billing Contact 1 & Billing Contact 2: Here select the billing contact for this contract.
Start Date & End Date: Here select the start and end date for the contract term. If you do not mention the end date then the contract will keep on running until you change the status to cancel.
Default Contract: You could have multiple contracts with this customer for multiple projects. You could select a particular contract to be the default one. When you select the Customer field in Case… then automatically a default contract would be selected.

Section: Rates & Invoicing
Currency: Select Billing Currency
Billing Method: Contract Rate / Contract Staff Rate

Tab: Staff
Here we can add the Staff as well as Staff Hourly Rate.

Tab: Time Entries
This tab shows the time-entries that have been logged against this contract.

Tab: Cases
This tab shows the cases that have been logged against this contract.

Tab: Contract Periods & Allowances
This tab will be operational when full Contract Management functionality has been released.

Approach 2: New Contract – From Template

A “Contract Template” is a contract record having “isTemplate” checkbox set.
You can create and activate the contracts in bulk (for multiple customers) using an already created template record.

We provide few sample contract templates which can help in getting started quickly. To install the sample templates…click button “Install Sample Templates”. (For now only use template – basic… and ignore prepaid and postpaid templates which get created when “install sample data” is clicked)

Lets first create a Contract Template:

Browse to “Contract” and click “New”
Here check the field: “IsTemplate”
Now enter the default values for Currency, Billing Method, Contract Rate & Staff Rate.
These values would be carried over to the new Contract that is being created using this template.

Now lets go through the steps of creating contracts from template:

Step 1: Browse to “Templates” and click button “New + From Template”
Step 2: Select a Contract Template
Step 3: Select Customer (can select multiple)
Step 4: Auto-Activate – If this is checked then the contract status will automatically be set to Active (on creation)
Step 5: Set as default (If default is checked then we will automatically set the contract as a default contract for the Customer)