We use this approach if you are not able to register the zap app license profile online.

In-order to request trial, you need to register the license profile online (from within the app). We have observed that for some customers who are using CRM On-premise, the zap licensing page may not work because java-script has been disabled for external pages.

In this scenario, our support team would take the necessary details from you and then manually generate the license code from backend. You will receive an email from support team with the new license key.

To apply this key:
1. Open Advanced Find
2. Select entity: Zap_XX_Licensing (where XX can be “EP” for Email Parser App or “TC” for Team Calendar App and so on…)
3. Click “Results !”
4. Click “New”
5. Enter the license key in “License Token” field
6. Enter “license” in “Name” field.
7. Click “Save”