Whenever a new email is received for Case…Helpdesk App will do the following:

  1. Set the field: Case.New Response to True. (Please note that this field is also set to true for a New Case).You can create a new Case View and have it filtered by condition: New Response = True.
    Helpdesk solution also contains a sample View called as: Zap Sample View: Active Cases with New Response (this has filter for New Response = True).
    Now whenever a Support Agent takes action, they can clear this flag.
    There are 3 approaches to clear this flag:

    a. Click button “Mark Read” which is provided in Case Form and View. This will automatically clear the field “New Response”.

    b. When Support Agent responds back to Customer from “Quick Email Reply” section… this field “New Response” can automatically be reset (based on Quick Email Reply – User settings)

    c. Add field: “New Response” to Case form…and manually un-Check this field.

  2. Generate an internal email notification which will be sent to Case Owner and anyone else as mentioned in configuration.