Zap Helpdesk – Email to Case

To request trial, please follow the below steps:

Step 1: Request solution file: Email to request solution file.
Please mention:
– Company Name:
– Contact Phone:
– Need Demo: Yes / No
– Requirements in brief:
You can expect a response within 1-business day. Please use only official email address for communication.

Step 2: Import the solution file.

Step 3: Activation of 15-day trial:
Browse to Settings >> Zap Apps and open Zap License. Register the profile online, to start 15-day trial. (Refer Licensing KB articles for more info)

Feel free to email if you have any questions.

Some areas of user-guide are password protected. Email from your official email address to request password.

Solution Version: [Latest]
Works with: Dynamics 365  v9
Dynamics 365 Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: Aug 13, 2021
1. In Helpdesk configuration – Inclusion Section: have added new field: Spam Keywords
This allows you to  exclude emails from Case Creation if email subject contains any of these keywords (added in field: Spam Keywords)
2. Email Alias feature: Queue Settings Section has a new sub-grid added for entering “Email Alias”.
Email-to-Case process creates Cases only when email is sent to Queue email address (eg However if we forward emails received in different mailbox (e.g. to Support Queue… then Case will not be created. Using the “Email Alias” feature… you will be able to create Cases even from forwarded emails…
Just add the alias email address to Helpdesk Queue configuration in section: Queue Settings.

Solution Version: [Latest]
Works with: Dynamics 365  v9
Dynamics 365 Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: Aug 10, 2020
Updates: Minor bug fix for security role missing permission.

Solution Version: 
Works with: Dynamics 365  v9
Dynamics 365 Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: July 27, 2020
Updates: Major Version: removing all deprecated code and using 9.0 API

Solution Version:
Dynamics Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v9 and is compatible with Unified Interface forms. Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: March 23, 2020

Change Log:

  1. OnDemand Workflow to run Email-to-Case process
  2. Ability to stop Case Creation External notification based on Sender email/domain
  3. “Attachment Viewer” functionality removed from Helpdesk
  4. Bug fix for email parsing feature
  5. Button “Mark Read” added to Case Form and View. Clicking this button will reset the flag for “New Response”.
    Explanation: Whenever a new email response is received from Customer… this flag “New Response” (which is on Case form) is set. This can be helpful in identifying which all Cases need to be action-ed. You could create a View and filter out the Cases for which this flag is set…and when actioned… click button “Mark Read”. 
  6. New Sample View added: Zap Sample View – Active Cases with New Response (this has a filter to show only those Cases which have received a new Response… 
    Please note that whenever a Case is created or a new email response is received… Helpdesk App will automatically set the flag “New Response” to true.

    //Enhancements related to “Quick Email Reply” section: (For details, refer blog)
  7. Case Number can be automatically added to “Email Subject” based on configurable setting
  8. Last Email received from Customer can automatically be selected with all fields already populated
  9. Case Status and Priority can also be updated when sending email to Customer
  10. “New Response” flag can be reset automatically
  11. Email Recipients format display
  12. Easily open “Quick Email Reply” Section directly from Zap Email Reader App and automatically have the email selected in trailing email section

Solution Version: (built for 2016 / Dynamics 365 v8)
Dynamics Supported Versions: This version supports CRM 2016 as well as Dynamics 365 (However Unified Interface Forms are not supported). Works for Online as well as On-Premise.
Release Date: March 23, 2020

Solution Version: 8.1.2016.0001
Dynamics Supported Versions: This version supports Dynamics 365 v8 and v9.
Release Date: Apr 25, 2019
Change Log:

  1. New Email Parsing functionality has been added: You can parse email subject and body to directly populate case fields. Please note that parsing is applicable only for new Case creation. A new section called as “New Case Creation: Email Parsing (Optional)” has been added. The functionality is similar to our email parser app.

    Some common user-scenarios are like:

    Use-Case 1: You may also have a “Support Request” page on your website. When user fills in the page, you may be receiving an auto-generated email with the customer issue details.
    Now using Helpdesk “Email Parsing” feature, you can directly have this email parsed and create Case record in CRM…with all important case fields populated with the issue details.

    Use-Case 2: For creating new cases, your customer may be sending email to your support mailbox.
    You are already using Helpdesk App to automatically convert these emails to Cases in CRM.
    Using this new “Email Parsing” feature, you can have customer send in additional details and have them automatically populated in the Newly created Case.
    For example…you could send below text in email and have the Case fields automatically populated.
    Priority: high (Option-Set)
    Additional Comments: XYZ (Custom field on Case)
    Internal Issue: Yes (Custom 2-Option Set)

  2. Options for “New Case Creation Settings: Attach Customer” have been modified. Please refer user-guide for explanation.
  3. New Section Added: Copy Attachment Settings – You can now copy attachments for new case creation as well as when new email is received for an on-going existing case.
  4. Quick Email Reply Section has now been made compatible to work with Mobile and Tablet App
  5. “From Recipient” in “Quick Email Reply” section can now be automatically populated with Queue based on configuration settings in Zap HD Configuration page. So each configuration could specify its own preferred Queue.
  6. Allow sending email even to non-CRM leads/Contacts using Quick Email Reply Section (select type as Custom) [Beta feature]
  7. Ability to include attachments in external and internal email notifications.
  8. Added “Smart Rules Configurator” feature – to set Case fields conditionally based on Sender Email or Keywords in email body or Case.Customer
  9. Test Run – Now you can also add attachments to  email  when using “Test Run” feature.
  10. Forward to New Case feature [Bug Fix]