Below are the various components added by Zap PSA solution in reference to Case Time Entry Module:
- Global Track Time Panel
- Tab: Zap PSA – Added to Case & Case for Interactive Experience Forms
This has Timer Web Resource & new field “Contract”. - Tab: Time Entry – Added to Case & Case for Interactive Experience Forms
- Zap PSA Time Entry Demo VIEW
- Timer Web Resource – Added to Task & Email Zap PSA Time Entry Demo forms
If you are using a custom case form then will need to manually add these components. For instructions, please refer KB article.
Global Track Time Panel:
Global Track Time Panel displays all running timers as well as any time-entry records created. (Please note that technically a timer record is also a time-entry record with status as “Running”)
The panel can be opened by clicking the “Time Entry” button in the global ribbon.
This button will normally show up in off-white icon… However if there is any running timer then the color of icon would change to red (as shown in screenshot below).
The records in Track-Time panel can be filtered based on:
Period: Today / Yesterday / Last 3 days / Last 7 days / Last Week / Last Month / Last 30 days / Last 90 days / Last 180 days / Custom
Display Timers Only: Enabling this filter… will display only time-entries with status as “Running” (basically all timers).
User: This filter will allow filtering time-entry / timer records by users. This option will be shown only if logged-in user has “Zap PSA Time Track – Admin” security role.
Various operations supported across “Track Time” panel are:
Copying an existing Time-Entry record to start a new Timer: To start a new Timer and have all details copied over…click the play button within a time-entry record…
Timer Web Resource – Added to Case & Case for Interactive Experience Forms (Tab: Zap PSA):
- You can customize the Case form and move the timer web resource to General tab.
- Timer control displays “Timers” as well as “Time Entries” modified in past 1 hr.
Please note that Timer is actually a Time-Entry record with status as “Running”…Once a timer is stopped…then the status of time entry is changed to “Open” - The timer keeps running even when the form is closed.
- When you start the timer in Case form then it is displayed even in the global timer panel (and visa versa).
Time Entries Tab – Added to Case & Case for Interactive Experience Form:
Zap PSA Time Entry Demo VIEW
This view is added to the Case entity. It has below roll-up fields:
- Zap PSA Total Time
- Zap PSA Billable Time
- Zap PSA Non-Billable Time //this one is calculated field.
- Zap PSA Hours To Bill
- Zap PSA Unapproved Time
New Field “Contract” – Added to Case & Case for Interactive Experience Forms (Tab: Zap PSA):
You can customize the Case form and move the Contract field to General tab. //This field would be relevant when Contract Management module is released.
A contract record stores various details like Billing Methods, Contract Rate, Staff and their hourly rates
Start & End Dates, Billing Contact etc.
You can create multiple contracts for Customer (Case.Customer).
For more details, refer Contracts Management module. // Future Release