Known Issues:

1. Report Scheduling is not supported for On-Premise Environments
You can use “View Scheduling” feature.

2. We have found that Report Scheduling does not work across online environments which are having Single Sign On setup…
To verify… setup the authentication settings in Zap RS Authentication Setup page… and verify if  “Test D365 Connection” connection is success or failure. (For instructions, refer KB article
You can use “View Scheduling” feature.

3. There is a 2-minute time-out for Workflow. So if the Report being generated has many records and is taking too much time to export…  then scheduling may fail. Besides if the file size of generated file is high (>15MB) then saving to Share-Point may also fail.
Work-Around: We recommend adding necessary filters to the report… and getting the file size of exported report to < 15 MB.

4. Some of the sample reports that come out-of-box are not supported.
Work-Around: You can build your own reports using report wizard or SSRS tool. These reports are supported.

5. We filter the records in the report based on the visibility permissions of Owner of scheduled record. If you have more than 100 records in report, then we suggest using the safe mode (Open section ” Safe Mode settings”… and click “Enable Safe Mode”).

6. In Safe-Mode… the feature “Do not send email if Record Count is 0” does not work. This is a technical limitation… we are not able to retrieve the number of records retrieved by the report.

7. When using the Workflow feature: we do not apply any User level impersonation. The report runs under permissions of user setup in authentication page.