Bulk Report Scheduling

How to schedule a single report to multiple users such that each user only receive their own records? Typical requirement of CRM Administrator: I have a Sales team of 15 Sales Managers and need to send them report of “Opportunities nearing Close date” every week. However please note that each sales manager should receive only […]

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Release Notes

Zap AutoNumber Some areas of user-guide are password protected. Email support@zapobjects.com from your official email address to request password.

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Adding “Quick Email Reply” section to additional Case forms

On importing the Zap Helpdesk App, “Quick Email Reply” section will get automatically added to the default case form. If you have multiple case forms and would like to add “Quick Email Reply” section then follow the below steps: Adding “Quick Email Reply” section to Case form: Open the Case form in edit mode Add […]

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Getting Started – Configuring Zap AutoNumber

A configuration record needs to be created for every auto number that is needed. Browse to Settings >> Zap Apps >> Zap AN Configuration and click “New” Explanation of the fields: Section: General Here select the entity and field on which Auto-Number needs to be set. Target Entity: Select the entity on which Auto-Number needs […]

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Date-Time token format examples

Date-Time Token Format Sample Date-Time yyyyMMddhhmmss 20170913091544 yyyyMM 201709 hhmmss 110901 yyyyMMddhh 2017091309 yy 18 yyyy 2018 MMddyy or ddMMyy 091318 or 130918 yyyy-MM-dd 2017-09-13

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Sample AutoNumbers and their configuration settings

============================== Generated Auto-Number : {{CAS-WXYZ-1002}} Zap Auto-Number Configuration Settings: Prefix: CAS-{RANDSTRING:4}- Sequence: 1002 Sequence Length: 4 Suffixx: ============================== Generated Auto-Number : KA-0001 Zap Auto-Number Configuration Settings: Prefix: KA- Sequence:1 Sequence Length: 4 Suffixx: ============================== Generated Auto-Number : QUO-0001000P9G3R Zap Auto-Number Configuration Settings: Prefix: QUO- Sequence: 1000 Sequence Length: 7 Suffixx: {RANDSTRING:5} ============================== Generated Auto-Number : CAS-002002-20180512091544 Zap […]

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