Getting Started – Security Roles

Below 2 security roles are available: Zap EP Admin: This security role is needed to configure “Email Parser” App. Zap EP Read Only: This security role is to be given to users who need to have read only permissions for event log or to view existing email parser configurations.  

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Uninstalling a Zap App

Step 1: Backup any information regarding app configuration (please note that all solution configuration data will get deleted on solution uninstallation) Step 2: Verify app knowledgebase to check if there is any pre-requisite step needed before deleting the solution file Step 3: Browse to Settings >> Solutions. Select the solution file and click delete button.

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App activation using license key (back-end)

We use this approach if you are not able to register the zap app license profile online. In-order to request trial, you need to register the license profile online (from within the app). We have observed that for some customers who are using CRM On-premise, the zap licensing page may not work because java-script has […]

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How do you handle true/false, option-sets, currency, date data-type and other non-text fields?

Zap Email Parser supports below field data-types: Single line text Multi-line text 2-Option Set Option-Set Date-Time Owner Lookup Currency Floating-Point Whole Number Decimal Currency Lookups Below are few points to note: Option-Set: Here the extracted text is matched against the option-set values. You can also use partial names. For example, text “trade” would be automatically […]

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Points to note when reinstalling app (regarding licensing)

If you need to uninstall and then reinstall the app again then please note the following points: License registration is not required Just open the licensing page (Browse to Settings >> Zap Apps >> Zap_xx_License)…the earlier license code would be automatically fetched from our licensing server.

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